Alphabet Book Series for Nerds: Kickstarter Update!

I just posted my one week update to my Kickstarter campaign! (see link above)  With 23 days to go I’m really trying to gain more followers, so please share the link on your blog.  Again, this is for the first three books in my nerdy alphabet book series.

Cover Art

Cover Art

My Nerdy B Book cover

My Nerdy B Book cover

If you’re interested in preordering copies of My Nerdy A, B, and C books, participating in this campaign is the way to go.  Not only are you helping me publish them, but you’re getting them for the low cost of $10 apiece! ($5 for PDF version).

Thanks again for all of your support everyone. 🙂





Now that I have your attention, I’ve just launched my first ever Kickstarter campaign to raise money so I can publish the first three books in my nerdy alphabet book series, which encompasses everything from Star Wars and Star Trek to Doctor Who and Harry Potter (read more about it at the link).  You may remember me posting some about this a few months before.

Cover Art

Cover Art

30 days. $7,000. Please check it out and share with your friends.  And thank you all as always for your support.



Kickstarter is coming!!

Wow, long time no update!  I guess the holidays got the better of me as they do most people.  However, I have been busy in my absence making new art!  Most of it holiday-related.

BBC Sherlock-themed Christmas tree

BBC Sherlock-themed Christmas tree

The Tardis decorated for Christmas- painted on my iPad

The Tardis decorated for Christmas- painted on my iPad

But I’ve also been working a lot on those nerdy alphabet books you all may remember I posted about a while back.  I’ve actually made a lot of progress- so much so that I’m almost ready to start a Kickstarter campaign to fund the mass printing of the first three books in the series!  I’m currently editing My Nerdy B Book and finishing illustrations for My Nerdy C Book.

My Nerdy B Book cover

My Nerdy B Book cover

Boba Fett!

Boba Fett!

The main goals of the Kickstarter campaign will be to:

A. Raise as much money as I can so I can order as many copies of each of the three books as I can, because the more I order the more of a discount I’ll get. (I’m thinking I’ll start with a smaller goal, around $6,000)

B. Gauge interest for the series and raise awareness of it.  I want to make a book for each letter of the alphabet, but I think I’m in a good place right now where I can start getting the first three books out there and make sure people want to see more.

I’ll be sure to update again once the Kickstarter is up and running.  I’ve never done one before so I have no clue how it’s going to go down- I’ll need all the help I can get!

As for Jane and Chompy, I’ve honestly been so involved with this book series I haven’t given the next segment of the webcomic much more thought.  Every time I do think about it I just hit a road block, which tells me I’m not ready to go back to it yet.  I’ve been thinking about collecting the first volume of the comic (so the 18 pages I have done so far) into a nice book though.  But yeah, it’s one of those things where I know how I want it to end, I’m just not sure yet how I want to get there.

Anyway, that’s all for now.  I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday.  And happy new year!



I’m baaaaaack!

Hi everyone!  Hope you all had a great Halloween.  I just got back from my trip to Disney World last week and have been spending the weekend getting caught up on some writing and stuff.

Be Our Guest

That’s me at the Be Our Guest restaurant…it was amazing.

Anyway, I got a cool thing in the mail while I was gone!  It’s my first sample of the first book in a series I wrote and illustrated called My Nerdy A Book.  Each book will focus on a different letter (I’m coloring the drawings for letter ‘b’ right now).  There are some adjustments that I need to make as far as page numbers and cropping goes, but otherwise I’m quite satisfied with the quality (the cover is super glossy…oooooo).

A Book Cover

Here’s some of the interior pages

A Book Interior

Anyway, I really like the way things are turning out so far.  One book down, twenty-something more to go!


Concept Art!

Jane and Chompy

Hi everyone!  I thought today I’d upload a piece of Jane and Chompy concept art I did a while back.  This is a digital painting I did while experimenting with the Fresh Paint app on my computer.  Hope you all enjoy it!


What I’ve Been Up To: Nerdy Alphabet Books!

Cover Art

Cover Art

Hey everyone!  Sorry it’s been a couple weeks.  I ran out of time last weekend to post, having spent most of my time writing (when I’m not drawing I write about movies for examiner.com).  Anyway, this is what I’ve been working on during my break from Jane and Chompy.  It’s the first in a series of alphabet books aimed at introducing kids to different pop culture franchise.  Each story is formed around a variety of characters and things from different fandoms that all begin with the same letter, from Star Wars and Star Trek to Marvel and Harry Potter.  It has been fun to work on, but slow going.  I just finished the first book (the cover art for which is pictured above) and ordered a sample copy, which should be coming in the mail this week.  I’m hoping it looks awesome- I’ll be sure to let you all know!  I’m almost finished illustrating the second book and have written the third one; since I’ve established the style I want for the drawings and have worked out all the layout kinks with the first book, the rest should go a lot smoother.

I’m not really sure how I want to deal with publishing/selling these on a mass scale yet; I’ll probably save that problem for when I’m closer to having the whole series done.  I’m thinking maybe I should do a Kickstarter or Indiegogo campaign.  Of course, if you’re interested in purchasing one of the books I already have finished, or want to know more, feel free to send me an email at katiecarterart@gmail.com. 🙂

I guess that’s all for now.  I haven’t worked on any new Jane and Chompy yet either.  I haven’t really had any stroke of inspiration and have been devoting my energies to other projects, and I’ve been planning a last minute Disney World trip for the end of the month.  So it probably won’t be until after I get back from that trip that I’ll really start getting back into it.

Thanks, as always, for reading and following me!

Katie 🙂